报告题目:面向关系的架构 Relation-Oriented Architecture
在云计算和大数据的时代,我们正面临着软件系统日益庞大而复杂以至于软件维护危机不 断加剧所带来的挑战。为此,本报告提出了面向关系的架构(ROA)。传统的架构,诸如面向 功能的架构(FOA)、面向对象的架构(OOA)和面向服务的架构(SOA)都是以软件组件 (或服务)为导向的,而 ROA 则以这些软件组件(或服务)之间的关系为导向。比起上述传 统的架构来, ROA 提供了一个更高层次的抽象并使软件架构变成了可计算的对象。这对于实 现大型复杂系统重构的自动化并从而有效地改进系统的可维护性有重要意义。 除了如上概念外,本报告还将介绍一个实现系统重架构的三步过程与实现这一过程的算法 和工具,以及对一个国际大公司的战略系统实现重架构的实践经验。 这里所介绍的工作是由荷兰皇家电信部分出资并由本人与荷兰计算机科学家(代尔夫特大 学)M. LOOIJEN 教授联手研究的成果。之后曾在许多荷兰皇家电信内外的专家与学者的支持 和参与下,成功地应用于改造该公司大型复杂信息系统的工作中。
H. Li was director of CLEBA International Research Project, the Netherlands, who graduated from Peking University, Beijing, China and received PhD from Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. He has about 25 year experience in the European academic and industry society. Starting before 1990s, he was engaged in academic research on software reuse and co-developed concepts and models of software reuse-in-the-large with Prof. J. van Katwijk, Prof. M. Looijen and Prof. H. G. Sol of Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. Later on, he served in a strategic department of a major European company, planning software reuse strategies, chairing a project on re-architecting large and complex systems. He published a professional book on application reuse-in-the-large and presented keynote speeches in international conferences. His current research interests are on relation-oriented architecture, software product lines and big data mining.