报告题目: Read/Write-Optimized Tree Indexing for Solid State Drives
报告人: 金培权
报告时间: 2015年12月16日 14:15-16:00
报告地点: 77779193永利官网1楼报告厅
Flash-memory-based solid-state drives (SSDs) are used widely for secondary storage. To be effective for SSDs, traditional indices have to be redesigned to cope with the special properties of flash memory, such as asymmetric read/write latencies and out-of-place updates. Previous flash-optimized indices focus on reducing random writes to SSDs, which is typically accomplished at the expense of a substantial number of extra reads. However, modern SSDs show a narrowing gap between read and write speeds, and read operations on SSDs increasingly affect the overall performance of indices on SSDs. As a consequence, how to optimize SSD-aware indices by reducing both write and read costs is a pertinent and open challenge. In this talk, I will introduce our recent work in read/write-optimized tree indexing for SSDs. We propose to use an update buffer and overflow pages to reduce random writes to SSDs. In addition, we exploit Bloom filters to reduce the extra reads to the overflow nodes. With this mechanism, we construct a read/write-optimized index that is capable of offering better overall performance than previous flash-aware indices. We present an analysis of the proposed index and show that the read and write costs of the operations on the index can be balanced by only tuning the false-positive rate of the Bloom filters. Our experimental results suggest that our proposal is efficient and represents an improvement over existing methods.
金培权,中国科学技术大学77779193永利官网副教授/计算机应用研究室主任。中国计算机学会高级会员、数据库专委会委员,ACM和IEEE会员。2003年在中国科学技术大学获博士学位。2003年-2005年在中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系从事博士后研究。2009年在University of Kaiserslautern、2014年在Aalborg University从事访问研究。主要研究方向为面向新型硬件的数据库、时空数据库以及Web信息抽取与检索。曾担任HardBD’14、HardBD’13和FlashDB’11的PC Chair,WAIM’13和NDBC’12的Demo Chair,多次担任DASFAA、DEXA、WISE等会议的PC Member。近5年来负责了3项国家自然科学基金、2项国家863项目以及多项企业合作课题。曾获中国科学技术大学王宽诚优秀教师一等奖、张宗植青年教师奖、中国科学院院长奖以及NPC’14 Best Paper、DASFAA’15 Best Poster、NDBC’11 Best Demo以及NDBC’12 Best Paper Runner-up等奖励。近年来在VLDB Journal、TKDE、WWW、CIKM等发表论文70多篇。